Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

Marine Corps Base Keiki Triathlon

Noah did his first Triathlon at the Marine Corps Base in Kaneohe. It was raining so hard they cancelled the bike portion so it turned into a Biathlon. Noah came in 4th for the Boys and his friend Lilly came in 1st for the Girls!


Stefan joined the Lanikai Canoe Club for the Spring Racing Season, great exercise in a beautiful environment. These are from the race at Kailua beach, Novice Mixed, got 2nd! All boats in the spring sprint season have to be out of Koa wood.
 Notice the huli'd canoe in the background...

Quinn's First Haircut

Quinn got his first haircut after we got back to Hawaii this summer, he was starting to look a little like Bozo the clown.

Luke and I took sailing lessons over the Spring. We learned a lot!!!!-Noah

NaPali Coast

My dad and his friend went to Kauai. (second to last island)
His friend and him took a hike there called Kalalau Trail. On the highest ridges of the NaPali coast.
His friend and him were very brave to do it.-Noah

Harbor Bridge

More pictures of my dads trip to Australia.That bridge is called THE HARBOR BRIDGE.

Sydney Opera House

That's amazing!!!-Laim

May Day

May Day is when our school and I celebrate the Hawaiian culture.-Noah

It was so much fun!!!-Laim